Work with TERESA

Our vision is to support leaders in ministry to have vision, courage, integrity and focus on the will of God with foresight to strategically plan for a kingdom lifestyle.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Core Values

Operate in the wisdom of the Holy Spirit
Make a positive impact on People, systems & organizations
Serve people with the love of God
Walk in integrity by moral courage, ethical principles, fulfilling expectations
Self-respect and respecting others in our differences. Dignity, empathy,
and Compassion



Through Discipleship training, one-on-one accountability Partnership, Retreat & Conference facilitation, and workshops, Super Tee Inspires exposes defeatism, mediocre thinking, inadequate planning, and the inability to set goals. When these issues are successfully addressed, people are inspired to positive action and soon begin to achieve their immediate as well as life-long goals. Oftentimes in life, we can greatly benefit from an extra boost of inspiration to advance to the next level. Discover how “Super Tee Inspires” will inspire you to achieve greatness!


My Discipleship is personal and unscripted, I am prophetic in nature and lead by the Holy Spirit. What I offer is leadership training that is personalized to each of my Disciples’ unique situations and needs. I work with a limited number of clients each year and I work with them in a few different ways:

• Prophetic Productivity Accountability Partner ~ One-on-One mentorship

• Runnin’ Things Group Leadership Development Training

• Anointed Destiny Helpers Mastermind Group { 12 ladies for 12 months}

The first step I take with every potential client is to have a conversation so that I can hear your heart and understand your challenges and desired outcomes. This conversation also gives me an opportunity to identify if we are a good fit. If we’re a good mutual fit, I will create a customized service experience that will be specifically unique for your life and work.


Teresa INSPIRES Ministry & Marketplace Leaders, entrepreneurs, small business owners, and purpose-driven individuals to the next level. She helps individuals to experience their God-given purpose and find freedom from what is holding them back.

What Can You Expect as a Client?

I will challenge you to stretch beyond your comfort zone and grow because no true growth or change can ever occur without being stretched.

I will invest time in hearing your heart, praying and seeking God for the best possible strategies and paths for us to take together and strategies for your success.

Most importantly I invest time in listening to the Holy spirit voice for the express wisdom, insight and guidance for Inspiring you.

Your experience looks like work. It looks like you being committed to honoring yourself and your life by putting in the work to see the change you desire.

To get the most out of our inspirational Discipleship training it is important to go in with a clear understanding of what inspirational coaching is what it is not.

Inspirational Discipleship Coaching is not therapy and I am not a therapist.

Inspirational Discipleship Coaching is a dynamic method designed to take you from where you are today to where you want to be. It helps you become clear on what you want out of life and helps provide the gumption to go and get it.

In other words, Inspirational Discipleship Coaching is a power tool to help get you out of park or neutral and into drive, moving forward to live your best life. To be fully ALIVE in Christ.

Inspire Me Super Tee is willing to assist you along the way.